
Doc-U-Link is designed with you the scale modeler in mind. Doc-U-Link provides access to "pre-qualified" scale modeling resources. After searching for hours online for acceptable documentation. I finally decided there had to be a better way. Doc-U-Link is the resulting path-way. ScaleAero.com would not exist today if it were not for Doc-U-Link.

Doc-U-Link contains over 500,000 links to documentation. Links are of two categories:
/chronological focuses and general aviation indexes. Most Doc-U-Link users are looking for "specific" aircraft information. Most of the time, that which you seek is here or close by. Do not fall into the trap of impatience. Doc-U-Link is to be used like a library. Standing at the entrance to a library gets you absolutely nothing. Results begin with an index or table of contents:


Doc-U-Link is easy to use. I suggest you leave bread crumbs as you look for what ever it is you seek. Bread crumb trails enable you to quickly return to what you discover here. Follow these (3) simple steps for a successful documentation search:

Step 1:   Always have pencil and paper when you begin your search.
Step 2:   Each time you change your web path write down the web site address. This will make it easy to go back to the site again. Its not necessary to get flustered and upset when you suddenly can't find your way back to what you were just looking at...again:^). Dropping bread crumb... notes on your note pad, you'll be able to look back down the bread crumbs and quickly return to where you were.
Step 3:  

Create a search binder. Either a virtual binder in a word processor, or a physical binder for quick reference while you're building in the shop. This binder is best arranged A to Z. Every time you start a search, pull out a piece of paper to write down (1)what you are looking for, (2) the name of sites you find information in and (3) file the successful search into your binder.

If you use a virtual search binder (word processor)...start the program and open or create a file folder to contain what you find before starting your search. You will find it really easy to immediately copy-paste what you find into your virtual binder for immediate reference as you build or finish out your scale project.

Example: When you need to find a DH Mosquito with the 30mm cannon nose, you'll have absolutely NO problem finding it.


(If you get stuck in a link...double or triple click your back button to return here)

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