Mustang1.gif (4466 bytes) Metallic finishes
ep II.

Brush on a thin coat of Balsarite© fabric adhesive cut about 25 to
30 % with acetone, everywhere you plan to put Monokote
©. Give it a few hours to completely dry, (preferably overnight) then sand it... thoroughly with 300 grit (or finer) sandpaper...until smooth.

Don't worry, the Balsarite
© will have soaked into the raw balsa you really can't sand it "all" off. You only want to smooth the airframe anyway, so don't get carried away with the sanding.

Don't eliminate the Balsarite
© as unneeded, because if you don't apply it, you WILL get wrinkles, and "lots" of them, all the time. The Balsarite© seals the wood and gives the Monokote© adhesive something to grab on to which seems to prevent "almost all" the wrinkles. You may get a few now and then, but they are easy to
heat out with your iron.
      wpe4.jpg (8451 bytes)
Now for the "easy" part. If you prefer, you can cut panels out of the Chrome Monokote© and apply them individually to match the airplane you are modeling, which is a heck of a lot of work and is really not necessary, but proceed with the panels if you must. It
"looks great", but only from about a foot away. Beyond that, you
can't see it anyway, and unless you're entering (AMA 515 class)
"Designer Scale" events where every rivet is counted, this is not
really necessary for a "super" looking job. I cover the airplane in
very large pieces just like I would normal colored Monokote

You need to be careful and keep the iron slightly cooler than you would for colored Monokote
©. Chrome Monokote© has a tendency to cloud, or discolor if you get it too hot, so you should experiment on scrap pieces to set the iron's temperature so that it shrinks the covering, but doesn't discolor it.

Don't worry, it'll be hot enough to securely stick on Monokote
©. Also, don't worry about scratches on that mirrored surface of the Monokote©, you will take care of those later. Just concentrate on getting a good, wrinkle free, and securely attached covering job.

In some cases, I've not had luck adhering Monokote
© onto a wing fillet, cowling, and other "concave" surfaces. I have found that Coverite Chrome Presto© "sheets" are the dynamite solution for covering those surfaces. Coverite Chrome Presto© has a peel and stick adhesive which can also be "heated & stretched" if need be. Coverite Chrome Presto© is an excellent match with Monokote© "after" the Chrome Monokote© is "properly treated".

I applied Coverite Chrome Presto
© on my World Jet's wing fillets which were made of ABS plastic. While easy to apply Monokote©
to the airplane's wood surfaces, it was difficult to properly cover this ABS plastic surfaced fillet. Coverite Chrome Presto© adhered perfectly, and so far has stayed in place without lifting.

When finished with this covering job, use acetone on a soft cloth
to remove unwanted adhesive that oozed from under the seams. It
is always a good idea to wear rubber gloves when using chemicals.
You don't want to make your wife an early widow, before her time.

Now, you have a chrome airplane, don't despair because it really doesn't look very much like an aluminum airplane will.