After panel lines are drawn, you are ready to begin applying
© .

Using 1/4 and 1/8th inch wide
3M Fine Line© tape, (not 3M Painters Tape) apply a single strip per side to the "outside" of a "single panel's" perimeter. On tight curves use the narrowest width tape for best results. Remember, you are covering a plane one panel at a time. © is applied without any additional finishing process or it can be sanded to a super smooth natural or polished to a mirror finish.

For the ultimate realistic "0 inch" look of the real thing sand
© surface with 400 wet/dry prior to application to surface. Lay © on a smooth piece of 1/4 inch thick aluminum plate. 3M Painters Tape© is used on each end of the length of ©  to keep it from slipping during sanding.

Wrap 1/8th inch smooth neoprene rubber around hardwood sanding block then affix 400 grit wet/dry to it to permit a firm non-marring sanding tool. Be sure to sand
©  surface in a single direction. This process will result in a work hardened smooth surface in only a few minutes. Change to 600 grit wet/dry for a few minutes before finish sanding with 1000 grit wet/dry.

When satisfied with surface texture, clean black residue from
© with a clean damp cloth. If you desire a polished surface, polish © with aluminum metal polish to a mirror finish prior to removing from the aluminum plate. Be sure aluminum residue does not contact uncovered surface. Remove © from aluminum plate before cutting just larger than perimeter of taped panel perimeter.

Click here to learn how to identify largest
© contact patch on the to be covered panel. This can reduce the application time while achieving the best finish.

Peel backing from the cut piece of
© and align with panel perimeter shape. Apply pressure with your index finger to surface of © along line identified as that of the largest contact patch. Using side of fibrous burnishing tool, burnish aluminum outward at right angles to contact patch line. This can result in the smoothest and unwrinkled panel. After burnishing beyond perimeter of panel half, burnish opposite side of panel.

This application method permits the aluminum to conform naturally to the surface with the least amount of stretch. This helps eliminate wrinkles that would be caused by pulling and tugging on the perimeter during application.

Wait to do
all touch-up polishing or sanding until entire airframe has been covered to prevent contaminating uncovered airframe surface.
Before continuing click here to read the flush panel (butt seam) application directions.

Apply © in 1/32nd of an inch overlapping sections beginning at the bottom rear of the surface being covered.

Wing & Horizontal Stabilizer:
Start on the bottom rear at the trailing edge working in and forward.

Bottom first, then sides finishing with top. Overlap the panel seam 1/32
of an inch. This "shingle-method" of application creates the panel line and prevents fuel oil residue from migrating.
Cut aluminum larger than desired panel shape with sharp scissors . Peel off backing, align with largest contact patch and apply per the above directions.

Example #1. Burnish onto surface with fibrous pressure tool. Start from panel center working out to eliminate air bubbles. If air bubbles occur pop with a pin and burnish down. Trim off excess aluminum with hobby knife (remember to use only enough pressure to cut through top layer of aluminum of the 1/32 inch overlap).

Example #2. (Use the fibrous pressure tool for surface with rivets or panel lines built-in.) © is dead soft and will stretch around curves.